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Tous montrer sans laisser voir et vouloir être regardé,admirer, sans se montrer

Peut-être ainsi redéfinir ses propres contours, imposer ses limites, celles qui détourent la frontière de l'épiderme au monde extérieur, celui-là même qui revêterait sa houppelande de voyeur. S'exhiber dans la pénombre pour être mieux vu, scruté dans les moindres détails anatomiques tout en se voilant la face.

Exposer son anatomie dans ce qu'elle a de plus intime, dans ce qu'elle revêt de plus érotique. Dévoiler sa sexualité et inviter celle de l'autre, le voyeur et ses fantasmes, tout ce que la vue de cette chair suscite aux tréfonds de nos désirs secrets et charnels.

Comme une dé-identité, comme une manière d'exister et se différencier sans se dévoiler. Se mettre en évidence en demeurant dans l'ombre. Laisser planer le doute tout en se mettant à nu, tel un tour de passe-passe, un paradoxe.

Lamination & Distorsion

As we age, the layers become thinner and wither, and the protections diminish. The armor which, in my youth, allowed me to face the world and its otherness, is falling away from me in shreds, whole sections taking with them the “appearances” and the pretenses which protected me from the intrusions of the dictatorship morals and values that I did not share. The fear aroused by the exposure, the transparency, the fluidity of oneself and the possible impregnation by osmosis of potentially pathogenic spirits inspired me to draft a solution. A lamination and recomposition by segmentation so that the abject societal fluids do not penetrate me and, if they do, they are lost in organic confusion. It seems that this willingness to mix and sow trouble is akin to madness.



Segment the passage of time in a different way to deconstruct and recompose it and thus wander in a frozen moment.


Pola Corpus

The ephemerality of the image is part of the impermanence of all being and all things

Ephemeral supports, scanned, transferred, disfigured, stretched, to speak of time which alters and disfigures bodies.

The technique used for this series consists of unscrupulous handling of Polaroid600 accumulated over the last ten years

Another portrait

Studies around and through the photographic portrait

Wouldn’t all portraits be self-portraits? Wouldn't the portrait be the representation that we make of ourselves, or of a part of our being, through the other?
Unless it is the gaze of the other that we integrate as a representation of ourselves, a pseudo reality. Or the way we look at ourselves when projected outside, or even seen from another, sideways angle.
A new layer of ephemerality and impermanence is thus added to our beliefs, to these ideas of self that we appropriate as truths and that we imagine to bring us into existence.

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