P h i l i p p e R e m y
artiste photographe
Namur - Wallonia - Belgium
Because there is more to the image than the image itself, an experience of impermanence
Le corps sculptural
The secret body is followed by the discreet body. With a discreet body, a provocative body. With a provocative body, a trashy body. With a trashy body, a problem-free body. The protest stadium has died down. We enter neutral. The nude is naked as the sky is the sky. It is no longer a problem, a problem that moralists love.
Charles Danzig
Homo Aestheticus
The body as a place of trouble
Le nouveau Vitruve
Englué dans des représentations multiples et dispersées, reconstruire l'unité du corps et se le réapproprier.
Le corps témoin de notre relation au monde, aux autres, le corps idéalisé, le corps sujet, le corps objet, le corps rejet, dessine et défini les contours de notre individualité et les limites de notre intégrité.
Le corps témoin d'un trouble, entre le désir et la honte. Il est un lieu d'interférences et de confusions, de transgressions et d'affirmations identitaires. Érotisé, les émotions « irruptent », dominent et tempêtent sans contrôle et sans limite.
Le corps témoin du genre. Exhibé, il le construit et le démonte, la masculinité remise en question. Refaçonner ainsi sa vision du monde en toute subjectivité afin d'oser idéaliser la beauté.
Le corps témoin d'une époque. Le langage du corps et ses représentations, magnifié, admiré, idolâtré et rêvé.
We label the sensations of childhood with names that we learn, adults and we evoke with brio and aplomb the "anguish", "despair" or "happiness" of the past (...) All these words n made no sense to us at that time; what we lacked, children, was precisely the power of designation and order of language; also, when we describe the emotions of one moment in our life with the language of another, we only stick labels on hermetically sealed trunks, qualifying as "fragile" or "perishable" content that we do not could not recognize even if we were given the opportunity, one day, to see him again.
Edmund WHITE
Nocturnes for the King of Naples - 1983
"I applaud the desecration of the ecumenical, the poisoning of the air, the pollution of rivers and oceans, the exhaustion of the earth, death by hunger, by thirst and by the horrors of suffocation, all that is missing from the table is the cancerization of plants, animals and humans by a universal epidemic and which is not so improbable, I forgot impotence and sterility. "
Albert CARACO (1919-1971 - My Confession 1975)
[Defertility] - obvious absence or loss of the ability to produce viable and sufficiently abundant offspring.